video magazine

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Etihas video magazine - Issue 1, January 2016

A hearty welcome to the first issue of Etihas, an online video magazine of history, arts and culture of India and South Asia. ETIHAS hopes to bring forth various aspects of history and artistic traditions for everyone - especially the younger generation glued to their mobile devices - in an easy to follow language and visualization. Each month, Etihas will carry short videos featuring interviews with experts, mini documentaries, audio podcasts, and recordings of performing arts among many other items that we hope will entertain and inspire you, and arouse your appetite for more about our rich and diverse pasts. This January 2016, we begin with a modest bunch of short videos on diverse topics, some of which will also be available soon in their longer versions.

1. An introduction to ETIHAS archive and magazine - history for everyone

2. Do languages have a religion? Is Urdu the language of Muslims? (A mini documentary)

3. Ustad Badruzzaman and Qamruzzaman of Lahore sing a Khayal composition in Punjabi

4. Sadia Wahidi recites a poem of Nazeer Akbarabadi (Khel kood Kanhaiyya ka)

5. A preview of videos in forthcoming issues of Etihas magazine

Research into history is an unending process – there is always room for finding more knowledge and data which can either strengthen the present theory or completely contradict it. So please watch/read/consult our content but don't stop here. Allow your appetite for knowledge to grow more.
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